What is the colour of roses, love and apples? What is the colour for anger? What is the other colour that you mix with blue to get purple? If you were paying attention to the title, it's the colour red.
Now I'm sure I know what you're going to ask me. Why out of all the colours in the universe would I choose red? Well red is probably my all time favourite colour. Why do I like this colour? You know I'm kind of unsure about this. One reason is because I just do. I'm sure everyone likes some things for no good reason. Just like the way I love the colour red. However, there is another reason why I like this paticular colour. I think it's because that so many I my favourite things are the colour red. Many of my favourite fruit (strawberries, apples, cherries) are the colour red, my home flag has the colour red, and one of my favourite flowers (tulips) is the colour red. I'm sure you get the idea now.
Red is a hot and primary colour. It's a strong and eye catching colour. Like every colour, it represents good things and bad things. The good things would be love, passion and warning. For example, most warning signs are red like the ordinary Stop! sign, which warns you to watch out for people walking across the street. Red also represents luck and speciality. Why do you think the carpet that V.I.Ps and celebrities walk on is the colour red? In China, the colour red represents happiness and may be used to attract good luck.
Sadly though, there are some bad things about this stupendous colour. Anger, war and blood are some of the many bad things representing red. Like in a war if one side lifts up a red flag, it indicates that they want to warn, engage or start the battle. There's also a lot of blood spilled during a war, which isn't the nicest thing in the world. During the war of 1812, one side wore red coats to hide any sign of blood. Maybe this is why not many people like the colour red.
Like most things in the world, people either like or dislike this colour. I however happen to love this is a colour. I really don't care if people hate this colour. I won't judge them for it because if we all liked the same colour, then the world would be a somewhat red place if you know what I mean.
Life Lesson: If we were all the same, the world would be a boring, meaningless place. So be happy with the things you love!
Ms.Weldon, I commented on Lyndsey's post this week.
Hey Em!! Very good post!! I like how you explained everything that red represents. One thing you should work on for next time; try to gradually end your post not so suddenly. Well good job, keep it up!!!