Oh Henry, Oh Henry, Oh Henry. Who art thou Oh Henry? Not the chocolate bar but my little brother, that's who. He was born in April 2000. This is the year of the Dragon in Chinese culture. Did you know that this is considered to be extremely good luck to be born a male in that year, especially since it was the millennium? Ya right, lucky for who? Me? I am not so sure.......
Henry is well like any other little brother is, super annoying sometimes. Seriously, he always asks me if I can play with him and if I don't, he then gets upset and angry and starts calling me a "meanie". How can we play together all the time when we like different things? He likes to play war games on the computer pretty much all day, while I like to read, draw and listen to my I-pod. I'm not his babysitter, just his older, more mature sister. Also it totally annoys me that I always have to wait for him in the morning to get ready for school and at the end of the day when he takes forever at his locker. I mean, how long does it take to get your stuff and get out of there? Tsk, tsk, slowpoke. he is also quite messy where as I'm very neat. It drives me crazy that I have to clean up after him.
However, I hate to admit it, there are some good things about him. I do have fun sometimes playing with him. For example, if we are playing Rock Band on the Wii and start going crazy as if we were having a sugar rush, that can be pretty cool. He's pretty good at drumming while I play guitar. Also we sometimes have fun when we're beating each other at board games and stuff like that. It's pretty cool too that we are both very emotional especially during sad movies so I don't feel so silly.
I guess it's not so bad having a little brother. Like everything, it has it's pros and cons. It does make me feel good about taking care of him and having each other for company when no one else is around. I think I would miss him terribly if anything were ever to happen to him.
Life Lesson: Don't take anything for granted because you might regret it one day. Even if it's your annoying little brother.
"A brother is a friend given by Nature."
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