Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Imagining a life in Afghanistan

Imagine that every time you're outside you have to be covered from head to toe with a burqa. I think to myself: How would this change my life if I lived in Afghanistan?. Well, let's put it this way, if I had to wear a burqa all the time it would really bug me and get me angry. Wearing all that clothing would make you really hot especially with the climate in Afghanistan. I HATE BEING HOT ALL THE TIME!! It would also be hard to move around easily with layers of clothing on. How would I be able to run around or play soccer with a burqa on? I 'm clumsy enough so I hate to be bumping into people and things because I couldn't see or move freely with a burqa on.

I don't know how girls in Afghanistan can put up with having to wear a burqa all the time. I mean wouldn't it get annoying having to wear heavy clothing all time? And considering some people express themselves through their clothing, how would we know what a certain girl is like? Then again, I would try to make the best of the situation because there's nothing I can do right? I would rather wear a burqa than to be beaten or thrown into jail for not wearing one. Plus, all the girls wear them which is like wearing a uniform, right?

I'm glad I don't live in Afghanistan under such strict rules. I just hope that the girls there will have more freedoms in the future.


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